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clevo 680m driver

조회 수 12751 추천 수 0 2013.03.10 16:45:28
Driver .inf Modification
The Clevo GTX 680M may require the proper device id to be added to the nvcv.inf file found in the Display.Driver directory.

Credit: jhmonroy

Using Notepad, open nvcv.inf from the ‘Display.Driver’ directory (I suggest you copy a backup of file elsewhere)

(Using the replace function)

Replace all occurrences of DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_51051558 with DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_xxxx1028 (You can replace any GTX 680M Dev ID code you wish)

Replace all occurrences of %NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.5105.1558% with %NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.xxxx.1028% <–Dell hardware ID.

Replace all occurrences of NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.5105.1558 with NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.xxxx.1028


DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_51051558 -> DEV_11A0&SUBSYS_02A21028
%NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.5105.1558% -> %NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.02A2.1028%
NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.5105.1558 -> NVIDIA_DEV.11A0.02A2.1028

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