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Create .lib file from .dll

조회 수 3600 추천 수 0 2013.02.02 06:21:25

Create .lib file from .dll

When working with 3rd party win dll’s you somtimes miss the according .lib file required to compile against it. There is a MS KB article showing how to generate a .lib file from a .dll, however the required steps are not described detailed enough I think. So here is my quick guide:

Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt, you find its shortcut in Start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio->Tools. Now run the dumpbin command to get a list of all exported functions of your dll:

dumpbin /exports C:\yourpath\yourlib.dll

This will print quite a bit of text to the console. However we are only interested in the functions:

ordinal hint RVA      name

1    0 00017770 jcopy_block_row
2    1 00017710 jcopy_sample_rows
3    2 000176C0 jdiv_round_up
4    3 000156D0 jinit_1pass_quantizer
5    4 00016D90 jinit_2pass_quantizer
6    5 00005750 jinit_c_coef_controller

Now copy all those function names (only the names!) and paste them into a new textfile. Name the nextfile yourlib.def and put the line “EXPORTS” at its top. My yourlib.def file looks like this:


Now from that definition file, we can finally create the .lib file. We use the “lib” tool for this, so run this command in your Visual Studio Command Prompt:

lib /def:C:\mypath\mylib.def /OUT:C:\mypath\mylib.lib

arm버젼 ws2_32.lib첨부해둠.

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