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dx9 debug 런타임이 활성화 안될 때

조회 수 3742 추천 수 0 2013.08.25 13:54:02


그러니까 윈8에선 답이 없구나.

I am using DirectX 9.0 on Windows 8, when I open the DirectX control panel, I found some options was disabled, I am running as a administrator, so this is not an privilege issue. why this happened? I can't turn on the debug version runtime since it is disabled. see picture below. the SDK I am using is June 2010

enter image description here

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This is the intended behaviour on Windows 8. Use the Visual Studio 2012 graphics debugger for debugging. – Nico Schertler May 27 at 17:25
@Nico Schertler, I try to launch the graphics debugger from VS 2012, but it only has the options for DX10/11, no options for DirectX 9. – zdd Jun 4 at 1:30

Answer from Microsoft XNA forum

The Direct3D 9 Developer Runtime (aka D3D9D.DLL) in the legacy DirectX SDK (June 2010) is not compatible with Windows 8. In fact, the entire Developer Runtime in the legacy DirectX SDK (June 2010) is not compatible with Windows 8 or with Windows 7 SP1 with KB 2370838 installed. The only way to obtain the Direct3D 9 Developer Runtime for Windows 8 is to install a 'checked' version of Windows 8. The Direct3D 10.x/11.x Developer Runtime for Windows 8 is installed by the Windows 8.0 SDK, VS 2012, or the VS 2012 Remote Debugging Tools packages.

See Where is the DirectX SDK?, Where is the DirectX SDK (2013 Edition)?, and DirectX 11.1 and Windows 7

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